When I was adding classes to my schedule for my first semester as a freshmen, I got really scared: I applied late and there were only a few classes that were open and I jumped to the conclusion that the classes that were left, were only open due to that fact that the classes were going to be a bad experience since my schedule was pushed into the night, it bolstered my fear. What surprised me was that all of my classes were ok (well except for Calculus, that was my worst class , of all time), I expected my English class to be piled with reading assignments but instead I was super glad that it was super casual. Everyone there including the professor was very open with each other and while some kids were really overtalkative, I never was against it. If I were to describe my high school experience, it would be like a bridge of development that had just gotten torn in half ( mostly from Covid and working at home) and I would have to climb up to the other half of the bridge as this underdeveloped and isolated person that had to now face a higher level of school that he wasn’t prepared for. This experience wasn’t just an ordinary English class but it helps newcomers to adjust to this new environment and for that I am grateful for partaking in.
Since mostly everyone in the class was so open to to each other, it made me like storytelling more. If there was one skill that I had learned from this class, it would be learning how to use literary elements. Recalling some of my noteworthy moments from the class, one of them was when each student had to present themselves based on what they have read on their own leisurely time. The book I have read heavily utilizes the literary concept of juxtaposition which is a point in the plot where it meets its opposite counterpart. My phase 3 project was about exploring if being a social media influencers can be a sustainable way of making money and there was this one segment where I juxtapose creativity to corporatism when describing how some influencers transition to create only for the purpose of profit.